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Average daily mean: 72.3°F (departure: +1.6 deg.)

Average daily high: 80.5°F

Average daily low: 64.1°F

Month's high: 91°F on the 31st

Month's low: 54°F on the 28th

Days with low 32°F or below: 0

Days with low 0°F or below: 0

Days with high 32°F of below: 0

Days with high 90°F or above: 1


Month's total: 2.23" (departure: -2.09")

Year's total: 31.24" (departure: +0.17")

Previous 12 months total (9/09 to 8/10): 52.01" (departure: +4.59")

Max. 24hr. total: 0.97" on 24th-25th

Days with 0.01" or more: 8

Days with 1.00" or more: 0


Month's high: 30.17" on 14th

Month's low: 29.53" on 5th


Days with thunder: 2

Days with fog: 6

Peak wind gust: 30 mph on the 23rd

Heating degree days: 3, season: 3 (last year: 6)

Cooling degree days: 236, season: 782 (last year: 462)


Average daily mean temperature: 72.7°F (departure: +3.1 deg.)

Season's high temperature: 96°F on Jul 6

Season's low temperature: 49°F on Jun 9

Days with high 90°F or above: 5

Precipitation: 9.55" (departure: -1.36")

Maximum 24 hr. precip.: 1.63" on Jun 5

Days with thunder: 12

Days with fog: 28

Comments: Another warm summer month this August in Fairhaven. It was the

7th consecutive month that averaged above normal. 91°F on the 31st is the

latest 90-degree-day on record (since 1974). Previous latest date was

August 19, 2002....Precipitation total for the month was 2.23" which is much

below normal.

The bulk of the rain came during a 4 day period from the 22nd to the

25th when a frontal system stalled over the area....The summer season (June, July,

August) was the warmest on record with an average daily mean of 72.7 degrees.

Precip for the season was 1.36" below normal.

Dennis Bollea

Hello All:

                   A warmer than normal August here in Acushnet, with

precipitation just a little below normal. The first 20 days of the month

were rather uneventful with some rainfall every 5 days and some bouts

of humidity. A chill 4 day rain event of Aug. 22-25 dropped 2.82" and

temps to the mid 60's. A heat wave ended the month with 91-92-94

degree high readings from the 31st. August is the 7th. month

in a row with mean temperatures above normal at this station.

The Summer of 2010 was the hottest in a decade and the second

warmest Summer on my records. The Summer of 1999 had a mean of

73.4 degrees. Summer precipitation was just slightly below normal.

August 2010 41deg,44min N 70deg,55min W

Ave High

Ave Low

Aug Mean

High Temp

Low Temp

81.7 deg

63.5 deg

72.6 deg is 1.1 Above Normal

94 on Aug 31st.

53 on Aug 14th. and 28th. 

Total Precip 4.10" is 0.33" Below Normal

Max 24 hr Precip 1.49" on Aug 25th.

Snowfall 0

Total 2010 Precip 40.49" is 6.10" Above Normal

Days 90 deg & Above 3

T-Storm Days 2

High Wind Gust 26 mph on August 3rd.

Heating Degree Days 3

Cooling Degree Days 246

High Barometer 30.21" on August 14th.

Low Barometer 29.52" on August 5th.

Summer Season 2010 (Jun,Jul,Aug)

Ave Temp 73.0 deg is 2.7 Above Normal

Total Precip 11.96" is 0.10" Below Normal  

Tom Carr


Hello All:

                  A much warmer than normal July here in Acushnet, with

somewhat above normal rainfall. It was the 2nd. warmest July on my

station records, some 4.0 degrees above the normal mean of 72.4 deg..

This July featured a 4 day Heat Wave on the 4th. thru 7th. of the month

with 93-95-98-93 for temperatures. The 98 deg. reading on July 6th. was

the hottest July temperature since 101 deg. on July 5th. 1999 at this

station. July 2010 saw 7 days with readings of 90 deg. or better.

The warmest July and the warmest month of any month on

my records was July of 1999 which saw a mean of 77.3 degrees, with 12

days reaching 90 deg. or better.

July was the 6th. month in a row this year with above normal

temperatures. Feb.+ 1.3 deg., Mar. + 6.1, Apr. + 5.4, May + 5.0, Jun. + 3.1,

and July + 4.0 degrees.

Lawns quickly became brown in the dry heat of early July, for

no rain fell until a tropical downpour on the 10th. dropped a quick 0.92". Crab

grass soon thrived as 5 t-storm days helped to water the lawns before months

end. July 2010 41deg,44min N 70deg,55min W

Ave High

Ave Low

July Mean

High Temp

Low Temp

85.7 deg

67.0 deg

76.4 deg is 4.0 Above Normal

98 on July 6th.

52 on July 1st..

Total Precip 4.24" is 0.82" Above Normal

Max 24 hr Precip 1.44" on July 13-14th.

Snowfall 0

Total 2010 Precip 36.39" is 6.43" Above Normal

Season Snowfall 0.0

T-Storm Days 5

Days 90 deg or Above 7

High Wind Gust 24 mph on July 26,28,29th.

Heating Degree Days 2

Cooling Degree Days 359

High Barometer 30.16" on July 2nd.

Low Barometer 29.70" on July 25th.

Tom Carr


WIWS Radar signature of storm cell: Westport man struck by lightning in Dartmouth at Sylvan Nursery 12:26PM Jul 19, 2010

West Island Weather Station , Fairhaven, MA July 19, 2010 at 12:25 PM A lightning storm approaches with an interesting front line, or shelf cloud. This usually is an indicator of high winds aloft.

A Westport man was struck by lightning in Dartmouth, MA, a shed was struck by lightning in Fairhaven, MA and destroyed by fire, and a house in Dartmouth was also struck by lightning.


JULY 2010



Average daily mean: 76.3°F (departure: +4.4 deg.)

Average daily high: 85.5°F

Average daily low: 67.2°F

Month's high: 96°F on the 6th

Month's low: 54°F on the 1st

Days with low 32°F or below: 0

Days with low 0°F or below: 0

Days with high 32°F of below: 0

Days with high 90°F or above: 4


Month's total: 2.98" (departure: +0.04")

Year's total: 29.01" (departure: +2.26")

Previous 12 months total (8/09 to 7/10): 56.49" (departure: +9.18")

Max. 24hr. total: 1.11" on 19th

Days with 0.01" or more: 10

Days with 1.00" or more: 1


Month's high: 30.15" on 2nd, 3rd

Month's low: 29.69" on 25th


Days with thunder: 5

Days with fog: 10

Peak wind gust: 23 mph on the 22nd

Heating degree days: 0, season: 0 (last year: 4)

Cooling degree days: 361, season: 546 (last year: 206)

Sunrise this morning was at 5:24 AM and the sun sets today (Jul 18, 2010) at 8:14 PM

Comments: Very warm with normal precipitation this month in Fairhaven.

Average daily mean temperature of 76.3ºF is the warmest July on record.

Along with the hot temperatures came some very high dew point temperatures.

At 8PM on the both the 13th and 21st the dew point temperature was measured

to be 76ºF (sling psychrometer method). Overnight low temperature on the

7th and 13th was just 74ºF....This area avoided the severe thunderstorms

that stuck other parts of the state. 2.98" of precip was just 0.04" above

July average.

Dennis Bollea


JUNE 2010




Average daily mean: 69.6°F (departure: +3.3 deg.)

Average daily high: 78.1°F

Average daily low: 61.0°F

Month's high: 89°F on the 29th

Month's low: 49°F on the 9th


Month's total: 4.34" (departure: +0.69")

Year's total: 26.03" (departure: +2.22")

Previous 12 months total (7/09 to 6/10): 62.66" (departure: +15.57")

Max. 24hr. total: 1.63" on 5th

Days with 0.01" or more: 13

Days with 1.00" or more: 2


Month's high: 30.18" on 11th, 16th

Month's low: 29.37" on 6th


Days with thunder: 5

Days with fog: 12

Peak wind gust: 22 mph on the 6th, 28th

Heating degree days: 16, final season total: 5282 (last year: 5825)

Cooling degree days: 160, season: 185 (last year: 33)

Comments: Very warm temperatures in Fairhaven this June. The average daily

mean temperature of 69.3 degrees is the third warmest on record, the warmest

being 70.1 degrees in 1987. 22 days this month had above average temps, 6

days below average, 2 days exactly average. A dew point temperature of 73F

was measured at 8PM on the 28th...Precipitation was a bit above average. A

localized heavy thundershower dropped 1.63 inches of rain in less than 2

hours the 5th.

Dennis Bollea

Fairhaven, Mass., 2 miles east of New Bedford on Buzzards Bay

Latitude: 41 deg., 38 min. NORTH

Longitude: 70 deg., 53 min. WEST

Station elevation: 43 feet above sea level

June 2010 in Review for Acushnet - Warmer Than Usual


Hello All:

A warmer than normal June here in Acushnet with somewhat

below normal rainfall. It was the 4th warmest June on my records but the

month only produced one 90 degree day. The warmest June at this location

was in 2008 which had a mean of 70.8 deg. and 4 days of temperatures 90

or above. 

The first half of this past June was on the cool and thundery side

as Mother Nature never turned up the heat till the 18th. of the month. A string

of 12 days of mid to upper 80's and some Summertime humidity followed.

June 2010 produced 6 days with thunder at this location, which

was the most since June of 1998 saw 9 days. June was the 5th. month in a

row, above normal temperature wise.

June 2010 41deg,44min N 70deg,55min W

Ave High

Ave Low

Jun Mean

High Temp

Low Temp

78.7 deg

61.1 deg

69.9 deg is 3.1 Above Normal

90 on Jun 28th.

46 on Jun 9th. 

Total Precip 3.62" is 0.59" Below Normal

Max 24 hr Precip 1.43" on Jun 12-13th.

Snowfall 0

Total 2010 Precip 32.15" is 5.61" Above Normal

Season Snowfall 0

T-Storm Days 6

High Wind Gust 28 mph on Jun 6th.

90 Deg Days 1

Heating Degree Days 29

Cooling Degree Days 183

High Barometer 30.16" on Jun 11th.

Low Barometer 29.31" on Jun 6th.

Tom Carr WA1KDD


Down the end of Bluepoint Rd., West Island, May 2010

May 2010 - Another Record Setting Month

    Acushnet’s long-time weather spotter Tom Carr reports another record breaking month. This May was the warmest and driest since 1993. Only 1.27" of rain fell mostly during the 3rd week of the month.

This March-April-May Spring Season was the warmest since Carr’s been keeping data in 1978.

Fairhaven’s weather spotter Dennis Bollea of Pope Beach had almost identical record breaking facts with the warmest Spring in town since 1977. The month ended in a smoky haze.“The winds were blowing just right to bring down some smelly smoke from Quebec forest fires on the 31st” Bollea said.

The 2010 Atlantic Hurricane is off to a slow start., but don’t let that fool you. A busy season is still anticipated with the peak arriving 2nd week of September


MAY 2010



Average daily mean: 60.7°F (departure: +3.2 deg.)

Average daily high: 70.1°F

Average daily low: 51.2°F

Month's high: 88°F on the 26th

Month's low: 35°F on the 11th

Days with low 32°F or below: 0

Days with low 0°F or below: 0

Days with high 32°F of below: 0

Days with high 90°F or above: 0


Month's total: 2.17" (departure: -1.52")

Year's total: 21.69" (departure: +1.53")

Previous 12 months total (6/09 to 5/10): 62.18" (departure: +8.68")

Max. 24hr. total: 1.40" on 18th-19th

Days with 0.01" or more: 8

Days with 1.00" or more: 0

Month's snow: 0.0" (departure: 0.0")

Season's total: 37.3" (departure: +0.1")


Month's high: 30.42" on 11th

Month's low: 29.36" on 8th


Days with thunder: 3

Days with fog: 9

Peak wind gust: 24 mph on the 9th

Heating degree days: 154, season: 5266 (last year: 5748)

Cooling degree days: 25, season: 25 (last year: 5)


Average daily mean temperature: 51.4°F (departure: +1.4 deg.)

Season's high temperature: 88°F on May 26

Season's low temperature: 26°F on March 6

Precipitation: 14.53" (departure: +2.18")

Maximum 24 hr. precip.: 2.93" on March 29-30

Snowfall: 2.1" (departure: -6.7")

Days with thunder: 4

Days with fog: 25

Comments: Warm and dry this month in Fairhaven. Summer temperatures got a head

start this year with an average daily mean of 60.7°F, 3.2 degrees above normal.

A daily record high temperature record was set on the 26th went the mercury topped

out at 88°F....Just 2.17 inches this month is the driest May since 1993. The only

significant rainfall event occurred on the 18th-19th when 1.43 inches fell....The

winds were blowing just right to bring down some smelly smoke from Quebec forest

fires on the 31st....The spring season was wet and very warm. The average

temperature was 51.4°F that equals the spring of 1977 as the warmest spring on record.

Dennis Bollea

Fairhaven, Mass., 2 miles east of New Bedford on Buzzards Bay

Latitude: 41 deg., 38 min. NORTH

Longitude: 70 deg., 53 min. WEST

Station elevation: 43 feet above sea level

Hello All:

A much warmer but drier than normal May here in Acushnet.

It was the warmest May on my records and the warmest May here since the

May of 1998 which saw a mean of 61.1 degrees. The 94 deg. reading on May

26th. was the highest May temperature on my records.

It was driest May here since only 1.39" fell in 1993. Most of

the rain fell in the period of May 18-19th. with 1.27" recorded.

The Spring Season ( mar.apr.may ) was the warmest on my

records. It was the warmest Spring since 1998 which had a mean of 50.5 deg.

Thanks to the very wet month of March our Spring Season was wetter than normal. Mother Nature was several weeks ahead of schedule, with lilacs

blooming on May 1st. then iris by the 14th. and strawberries picked on the 20th.and clouds of pine pollen by the 24th. of the month. Low level smoke from forest fires in Quebec was observed by noon on the final day of May.

May 2010

Ave High 73.5 deg

Ave Low 51.0 deg

May Mean 62.3 deg is 5.0 Above Normal - warmest on records

High Temp 94 on May 26th.

Low Temp 33 on May 11th. 

Total Precip 2.31" is 1.48" Below Normal

Max 24 hr Precip 1.27" on May 18th. - 19th.

Snowfall 0

Total 2010 Precip 28.53" is 6.20" Above Normal

Season Snowfall   

T-Storm Days 3

High Wind Gust 27 mph on May 9th.

Heating Degree Days 139

Cooling Degree Days 51

High Barometer 30.41" on May 11th.

Low Barometer 29.36" on May 8th.

Spring Season (Mar,Apr,May)

Spring Mean Temp 53.1 deg is 5.5 Above Normal -warmest on records

Spring Precip 19.57" is 5.42" Above Normal

Spring Snowfall 2.3" is Below Normal

Tom Carr

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